

Функция wildcard возвращает значение "истина", если первая строка содержит замену, включенную во вторую строку.

Данная функция является алиасом функции find с необязательным параметром wildcard:=true_.




Функция требует наличия минимум двух строковых аргументов.

Функция также позволяет использовать следующие необязательные параметры:

  • case := yes/no - для поиска с учетом регистра (по умолчанию "истина");

  • wholeword := yes/no - для поиска по целым словам (по умолчанию "ложь");

  • wholetext := yes/no - для поиска по целым текстам (по умолчанию "ложь").

Возвращаемое значение

Функция возвращает значение истина/да, если первая строка включает вторую строку, иначе возвращает ложь/нет.

Функция возвращает нулевое значение, если одно из исходных значений нулевое.


Если взять выражение с двумя строковыми/текстовыми колонками, то выражение wildcard([Description],[Category]) находит следующие значения:



Returned Value

The Fairfax County Police Accident Reconstruction Unit is investigating an accident with injury which occurred at the intersection of Cranford Street and Gunston Cove Road in the Lorton area about 6:35 a.m. Thursday. A 13-year-old Lorton area girl, who had missed the bus, was trying to catch up with the bus and bumped into the right front tire, which caused her leg to become pinned under the tire. The bus driver, Jeannie Louise Livingston, 56, of 11349 French Road in the Lorton area, immediately backed the bus off of the girl’s leg. The girl was medevaced to INOVA Fairfax Hospital with non-life threatening injuries. Nobody else was injured in the accident. Neither speed nor alcohol was a factor. The investigation is continuing.



Fairfax County Police are investigating a bias incident which occurred in the 2500 block of Farmcrest Drive in the Herndon area about 11:15 p.m. Saturday, January 12th. A 30-year-old Herndon area man opened his front door and found a note which contained a racial slur. The Fairfax County Police Department recognizes the potential harm that bias crimes and incidents can have in a community, and consequently encourages people to report them. All bias crimes and incidents are investigated thoroughly.

Racial bias
